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How to reclaim your life and time after your baby is born

 Certainly, after the birth of a child, your world around you changes, because of the new responsibility that fell on you and the entry of a child into your world who can transform it from one side to another. But after a while, you can take your life back and take control of it again. You can find time to take minutes for yourself to find your balance again.

One way you can feel more in control of your world a little faster is to do everything you can to find balance as a new mom. Find out how to balance work with your new or social life. You just need some time to be able to do this.

Top tips for finding your inner balance as a new mom


The first steps to maintaining your physical identity and psyche are to move your muscles daily and to take good care of a healthy diet that suits your needs and the needs of your child as well.

This doesn't mean you have to exercise right away after giving birth, but you can go down the stairs gradually or walk around your apartment for a few minutes. Help your body to return to its previous size, but gradually and step by step.

And if you want to lose extra weight during pregnancy, you can regularize after 6 months of giving birth and exercise after consulting your doctor for sure.

Flex your mind

With so many things to worry about and think about, especially as a new mom after giving birth, you will surely feel stress, anxiety, and even headaches from thinking too much. But for a few minutes, exercise your brain so that it can think positively and help you get through this new stage after childbirth.

Tell yourself that you had a healthy, wonderful baby and that you did a good job in carrying it and delivering it. Tell yourself that you are strong and that you can pass this stage successfully.

You can also watch TV, read a book or novel you like or listen to a program you like. Just do a few minutes of doing something you like so your mind can feel a little refreshed and relaxed.

Talk to your favorite person

In this new phase after childbirth, look for your husband, mother, sister, or best friend. Talk to her about everything that worries you or that you want to do or anything that you want to talk about.

take a minute for yourself

The new mom feels like she doesn't have a minute to herself. But even when you're looking after your baby, you can have a wonderful minute to yourself.

Every day, decide to do something small but make you happy and give you a wonderful moment of happiness and joy. No matter how small or trivial this thing is, as long as it makes you happy, do it daily.

Although taking care of a baby means not being able to sleep well, work, or find a little time for yourself. But it also gives you many moments of happiness, gratitude, joy, and hope for being a big scientist for a young child.

Don't let these things take you away from this, and always tell yourself that you are the world to this little boy. Then you will find the strength to do everything and have fun while you do it. Here are some tips that may benefit you immediately after birth.
