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Tips to strengthen and raise the immune system to avoid infection

 The immune system defends the human body against disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes germs attack the body due to a weak immune system. With the increasing concern about the second wave of the emerging coronavirus, covid-19, some are wondering about a way to strengthen or raise the body's immunity.

Increase body immunity

There are many strategies you can use to strengthen your immune system, such as:

  • Non-smoking.
  • Follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Wash hands frequently for at least 40 seconds.
  • Learn techniques to help you reduce or eliminate stress and nervous tension.

The best ways to help raise the body's immunity

Attempting to boost immune system cells is complex because there are many different types of cells in the immune system that respond to many different microbes in many ways. Scientists don't yet know how many cells or what type of cells the immune system needs to function efficiently.

But what we know is that the body is constantly producing immune cells. It often produces more lymphocytes than it can use, and the extra cells remove themselves through a natural process of cell death called programmed cell death.

Factors that affect the immune system


With age, the immune response decreases, increasing the risk of infection.

Respiratory infections, influenza, COVID-19 virus, and especially pneumonia are the leading causes of death among people over 65 years of age worldwide. It's hard to pinpoint exactly why this happens, but some scientists note that this increased risk is linked to a decreased number of T cells, possibly because the thymus atrophies with age and produces fewer T-cells that fight infection. Others suggest that the reason is that the bone marrow becomes less efficient at producing stem cells that lead to the formation of immune system cells.

Increase body immunity


A deficiency in some essential vitamins and minerals may affect the efficiency of the immune system and increase the risk of many diseases related to poor nutrition.

If you suspect that your diet is not providing all of your micronutrient needs, you can take a daily vitamin and mineral supplement after first consulting your doctor.

When taking nutritional supplements, you should pay attention to these points:

  • Do not exceed the prescribed dosage prescribed by the doctor.
  • If you notice any side effects, you should consult your doctor and stop taking them.

The effect of stress on the immune system

Several studies have confirmed the relationship between the efficiency of the immune system and stress and psychological stress. Many diseases, such as upset stomach, urticaria, and even heart disease, have been linked to emotional stress.

Therefore, you should learn techniques to help you get rid of stress and nervous stress.

low temperatures

Exposure to low temperatures increases the risk of infection. Therefore, winter is known as the cold and flu season. Many respiratory viruses can survive in this cold.

Playing sports

Exercising regularly is one of the most important steps that help you boost your overall body health. Exercise improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight, and prevents a variety of diseases.

Regular exercise helps boost and raise the immune system, promoting blood circulation which allows the cells and materials of the immune system to move through the body freely and do their work efficiently.

Although understanding the immune system is a little complicated, following the previous tips will help you raise your body's immunity and protect you from infection.
